Is your teenager struggling with body image, confidence, self-esteem? Do you notice them checking the mirror frequently, taking lots of photos, comparing themselves to others or talking negatively about their appearance?

Body Image issues have increased with the rapid rise of social media and many teens feel like it’s normal.

If your teen is struggling, but maybe not ready or not in need of individual therapy, an educational peer group can be a great way to teach them skills without the intense financial and time commitment of 1-1 therapy.

About the Group

Weekly, In-Person

Who: Females currently in High School (Future Male groups to come!)

When: Fall of 2024, 8 weeks, after school, Date & Time TBD

Where: Powell or Bridge Park Area

What: Content covering,

-What is Positive Body Image?

-Social Media & Body Image

-Negative Self-Talk

-Positive Coping Skills

-Supportive Peer & Romantic Relationships

Why: With the rise of social media having 24/7 access to our teenagers

Rates & Insurance

For the Teen Body Image Group, insurance is not accepted. Initial investment is $400 for 8 weeks. No refunds for missed sessions.

Frequently Asked Teen Group Questions

  • 57% of girls say social media makes them want to change how they look. The more time girls spend using social media, the less likely they are to describe themselves as confident. 66% report how they feel about their body makes them less confident. Girls are all in this together and giving them space and safety to talk about it together can be more impactful than 1-1 therapy.

  • During the initial screening call, I will ask a series of questions about current issues, mental health, and social dynamics to screen for group appropriateness.

  • Payment for group sessions is required in full before the time of service. A deposit of $200 will reserve a spot and the remaining balance will be due the week of sessions starting. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Debit, and check.

  • Group will be in a private meeting room at Liberty Branch Library at 7468 Steitz Road
    Powell, OH 43065

    Future groups may have a virtual option.

  • We understand illness and emergencies happen. We ask you to commit to attending all 8 sessions as it is important to group trust and rapport.

  • Schedule a consult call and we can reserve your spot today. Group will start October 2024.